Current ILP Postdoctoral Fellows
Albin James
I am interested in understanding aspects of quantum field theories through Feynman diagram calculations. I joined the Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Hautes Energies (LPTHE) in October 2019 as an ILP fellow, and am working with prof. Sofian Teber. We use multi-loop techniques for massless Feynman diagrams to obtain... > more
Florian Führer
I like doing difficult calculations. Consequently, I am interested in computational and mathematical methods in general. In particular, I am working on (semi) analytical methods, numerical simulations and, since recently, also on algorithms for data analysis... > more
Suvodip Mukherjee
I work on different aspects in cosmology to understand the imprints of fundamental physics in the Universe and develop observational schemes to measure it from the upcoming missions. My research broadly encompasses theoretical studies and statistical analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and large scale structure... > more
Clare Saunders
On the nearby supernova side, my research has been focused on using data from the Nearby Supernova Factory, work that was started during my graduate work at the University of California, Berkeley. This project is a collaboration between several institutions in Europe, the USA, and China, and... > more
Renjie Wang
My research has been mainly focused on the search for dark matter at the LHC. I did my PhD thesis on experimental particle physics at the Northeastern University in Boston supervised by Prof. Darien Wood. As a member of CMS collaboration at the LHC, I conducted my doctoral research projects on commissioning... > more