Post-doctorants ILP actuels

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#Michele Levi

After I received my Ph.D. on "Effective Field Theory approach in General Relativity", I joined as a Lagrange post-doctoral fellow of the LabEx ILP to the Theoretical Physics group in IAP.

My research philosophy is interdisciplinary: I approach problems in cosmology and gravitation with novel insights and tools from the realm of high energy physics, and on the other hand study implications from cosmology and astrophysics for theoretical particle and gravitational physics. Thus, I am engaged in theoretical research, which is connected with experiments and observations, in the interface between high energy physics, cosmology and astrophysics.

Currently, I am primarily involved in two lines of research, both of which rely on ideas from QFT. One explores the non-linear evolution of structures in the Universe, and the properties and roles of its different constituents, in light of future high precision cosmological missions. The other gives predictions for the upcoming direct detection of gravitational radiation.

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Contact: levi[at]