Doctorants ILP actuels
traduction en français à venir
Teresa Bautista
Born in the north of Spain, I started studying physics at the University of Barcelona. After completing a master in Theoretical Physics in the University of Amsterdam, I started my PhD at the LPTHE in 2013, where I work with researcher Atish Dabholkar.
I am interested in black holes, quantum gravity and primordial cosmology. Currently, I am working on Timelike Liouville theory as a model of 2-dimensional quantum gravity. This theory mimics the problems of quantum gravity in 4 dimensions, but is in an advantageous position because of its renormalizability and its link to the well-known standard Liouville conformal field theory.
Also, I am working on the exact quantum generalization of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of black holes, which requires including non-perturbative corrections to the BH area-law. These can be determined thanks to the AdS/CFT correspondence: in the dual CFT to the black hole, analytical expressions of the statistical degeneracies are known, whose logarithms have to match exactly the dual BH entropy.